Monday, March 5, 2007

Intro to Kettlebells

When I was younger I was always scrawny...always bullied...

...yea, the typical geek in school. I never got beat up, mostly because I kept my mouth shut and avoided the bullies.

When I turned 16 I began training in Karate...I was one belt away from black belt...thought I was badass. I could do all these cool high kicks. Nobody tried to mess with me in school and I never once had to fight...

BUT you know what?

I didn't know squat...

I always dreamed of training in Ninjutsu..and when I turned 22 I moved to Arizona where I met my first was legit...not one of those fly by night fake ninja schools that teach a twisted combo of karate and kung-fu and wear funny masks...

nope...I made sure I found the real's lineage traceable to Japan...the grandmaster of our art is Massaki it if you don't believe me...

So, I though I was a badassss...I could break boards, do high kicks..yaddy yada.

My first ninpo instructor humbled me with a simple pinch....

I'll tell you more later... I want to introduce you to the Kettlebell. Why? Because I mentioned I was a scrawny guy...for most of my life...high metabolism and all that....kool! I can't get fat but I couldn't get muscle either....then I discovered the crazy russian, Pavel and his kettlebell

That's Pavel --->

Simply put this is the place to begin for aspiring and even experience warriors.

Obviously, I recommend that you start with getting Pavel's awesome book or video on Kettlebells...the ultimate training system for all warriors.

You THINK your bad because you can benchpress 200lbs. Let me see you do 50 swings of the kettlebell.

Let me see you do a turkish get up...look it up in Kettlebell articles.

For a true physical challenge....

My scrawniness is going stamina is increasing. My warrior skills are becoming honed.

The kettlebell with my ninpo is the ultimate one two...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant! I love the Booj, Bujinkan Ninpo for those of you who don't know. Been training on and off for years.

I'm going to look into those kettlebells...sounds like what I need.